At Sapience Girls Academy we greatly emphasise and value the importance of parental involvement. Our aim is to provide a holistic learning environment for all pupils which is not possible without the cooperation, commitment and strong partnership with parents. A positive partnership between home and school allows pupils to flourish, receive support and encourages their development during their academic journeys.

Parents have equal responsibility if not more than teachers with regards to-

  • Monitoring learning and progress – Parents should discuss their child’s learning, homework and assessments regularly.
  • Instilling responsibility, raising aspirations and motivating– Parents have a key role in encouraging their children and motivating them to have high aspirations and fulfil their potential.
  • Fostering Islamic values and instilling Tarbiyah- The upbringing of children in light of the Quran and Sunnah is imperative in the development of children’s Imaan, personality and character development
  • Supporting the school- Parents can support the school by taking an active role in preparing their child for school, such as ensuring correct uniform and equipment and maintaining high attendance and punctuality. Parents should also take part in parent coffee mornings, attend parent review days, parent meetings and presentation evenings.

Please create drop down toggles for the following highlighted titles with the information below.

Home-School Agreement

All parents and carers are required to sign a home–school agreement which is provided in the pupil’s academic planner. The agreement provides a clear statement of our duty and commitment to our pupils, and clarifies our expectations and high standards of behaviour, effort and attitudes.  

Clear Communication

Transparent and effective communication is imperative between the school and parents to develop a strong partnership. Therefore, we encourage parents to contact the school regarding any questions and queries directly, our administrative will be more than happy to answer any questions. Parents receive all printed letters and updates via SMS and our whatsapp broadcast group. The website and social media pages also serve as a means of communication, additionally we provide a termly newsletter to share events, trips and achievements. Academic progress of pupils is communicated through the means of progress reports, parent review days and individual meetings. We also invite parents to regular coffee mornings, parent meetings, and presentation evenings.


Our newsletter ‘Sapience Chronicles’ is published and shared at the end of each term to update and share our events, enrichment trips, visitors, achievements and latest news.  The newsletter is a combined effort of our newsletter team which consists of pupils from year 7 to year 11 and members of staff from middle management and the senior leadership team.

To access the newsletters please click here.

Parents WhatsApp Broadcast Group

SGA utilises a whatsapp broadcast group messages to communicate with parents regularly. Any communication such as letters, updates will be uploaded and shared. The messaging service is also utilised to remind parents about important updates, relevant information and deadlines; such as meeting dates and times, events and intervention lessons. The broadcast system is a reliable and effective tool of communication; therefore, parents must provide preferred contact numbers and email addresses. 

Communicating Academic and Behavioural Progress

Communicating the achievements of pupils is important for both pupils and parents to encourage positive attitudes to learning. Therefore, in order to update parents regarding their child’s attendance, behaviour and academic progress, SGA will provide academic reports produced in conjuction with assessment analytics company Schoolsplus which is followed by parent review days. 

Throughout the year there will be two assessment periods, following the results achieved in the assessment cycles, and the release of academic reports, parents will be invited to parent review days. The review days involve one to one meeting with form tutors and class teachers to discuss pupil progress, concerns and targets.

Student Planners

Pupils are provided with an academic student planner. The planner is an important tool of communication. The planner is a formal document which is required to be respected, and maintained appropriately. The academic planner provides parents with the home-school agreements, daily schedules, timetables, exam schedules, academic calendar, homework records and behaviour records. Teachers may also utilise the planner to communicate with parents through the comments section. Parents are required to check and sign their child’s planners weekly. Parents may also update and communicate with teachers through the use of the comments section.

Concerns or Complaints

The welfare, safeguarding, health and safety of each pupil is paramount and the primary responsibility of all staff members.  We encourage parents to read our complaints policy should they have any concerns. Low level concerns can be discussed by contacting the school administrator, should parents feel they require further assistance, the school admin will book meetings with the relevant members of the Senior Leadership Team.

If parents feel their concerns remain unresolved, they should utilise the complaint policy, which can be downloaded from the policy section of this website.

Visiting the School

During school hours all visitors, including parents, should sign in upon arrival to the reception. They will then be provided with a visitors badge which will be returned when leaving, parents must sign out upon their departure. Visitors who wish to meet a member of the senior leadership team must book an appointment in advance. Walk-in meetings will not take place unless they are concerning safeguarding in which case they will be prioritised. 

Parent Coffee morning

Parent coffee morning take place every half term, parents are invited to the school. This is an open parent forum to allow parents to have active involvement with the school including decision making, sharing ideas, and taking part in school processes. This designated time with the senior leadership team allows for direct communication.

Work shops

Numerous parent workshops are organised for parents throughout the academic year to provide parents with the required tools and training to support their children at home. This includes literacy skills, mathematics, mental health and wellbeing support, and Islamic Tarbiyah.