
SGA Academy Oldham > Curriculum


“Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim” Prophet Muhammad

At Sapience Girls Academy our curriculum has been developed to provide a rich, broad and balanced learning experience for all of our students.  All learners are equal and have an equal entitlement to knowledge; therefore, the planning of the curriculum is designed to be accessible and comprehensible. Teaching staff are trained and supported with the necessary tools to enable the progress of our students academically, spiritually and socially, with careful consideration of their learning styles and ranging abilities.

Our bespoke curriculum has been designed to enable our students to foster a love of learning, encourage creativity and promote independence and critical thinking. We aim to nurture resilience, ambition and excellence to develop upstanding British Muslim citizens.  Our supportive school community allows students to flourish and excel. In the planning and delivery of the curriculum we aim to meet the needs of all our students to support their journey to achieve their highest potential. To maximise achievement for all we will:

  • Emphasise the duty of a Muslim to seek and gain knowledge
  • Ensure high quality teaching and learning
  • Emphasise the key skills of communication, numeracy and information technology
  • Use information technology to enhance teaching and learning
  • Extend learning into the community and the world of business and employment
  • Routinely monitor student performance and set targets for improvement
  • Encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning, to identify strengths and weaknesses, and improve performance to meet individual targets
  • Support students through mentoring, intervention and homework